Chris Arestides, RN MPH
Chris Arestides, RN MPH

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I am a registered nurse who holds a Master of Public Health degree with a double concentration in leadership, and health promotion and education.

I write to help individuals have the best and healthiest life possible.

I write to help healthcare providers and those with a passion for helping others better understand why people make the choices they do that affect their health and well-being.

I tell stories from decades of providing nursing care throughout the lifespan and supporting nurses and other professionals. I share my takeaways from engaging with community-based organizations, government, public health, managed care, and healthcare systems - all investing in ways to create healthier individuals and communities.

I love academic theories and research and strive to take dry but valuable information and make it come to life for you in positive and actionable ways.

Nursing is a profession rooted in caring and touching lives. I hope my stories touch you. I hope when you finish them, you are better informed, empowered to make changes you want to make, and maybe just a little bit entertained.

If this all feels a little too deep, I also write about swimming, parenting young adult children, relationships, and whatever I find funny about life!

Medium member since March 2021
Connect with Chris Arestides, RN MPH
Chris Arestides, RN MPH

Chris Arestides, RN MPH

Telling stories, sharing observations, and research to help people live their best and healthiest life and to help professionals help people on this journey.